
Until the end of March, we offer a unique opportunity where we pay the first six months of your mortgage payments!

How does it work?

We will cover the first 6 months of your mortgage payments according to the payment schedule, ensuring that the amounts are credited to your account no later than the payment date specified in the schedule. This gives you more financial freedom when buying a new home!

Check out the examples and contact us to get a specific individual offer!

Apartment Type Total Price Loan Conditions Monthly Payment Refund to Customers
1-room apartment
246 500
Own contribution 20%;
interest rate 1.8% + Euribor;
30 years of payments
1100 euros
6*1,100 euros directly to your bank account
(total 6,600 euros)
4-room apartment
(108,2 m2)
645 000
Own contribution 20%;
interest rate 1.8% + Euribor;
30 years of payments
2 865 euros
6*2,865 euros directly to your bank account
(total 17,190 euros)

Register your interest

A really good deal!

Capital mill

Contact our sales partner

Kristin Kongi
RE Kinnisvara
Julia Ferman
Ferea Kinnisvara
Ilja Gorohhov
Ferea Kinnisvara